Dear Son/Daughter,
This week you start High School basketball as a Freshman. Before you lace up your shoes and step on the court there are a few things we want you to know……..
#1) It Will Go So Fast!! We know, We know, it’s not even the first day and we are already talking about it being over. But the truth is, just like everything, it will end. So on the tough days, and there will be many, please try to remember that when it’s over, you will miss it, so give it everything you’ve got!!
#2) You Are Playing For Something Bigger Than Yourself. These days there are so many teams and leagues and opportunities to play. Players jump from one shiny object to the next, looking for the best place to collect their own highlights to post on social media. High School basketball is special. When you play for your high school you play for a whole community made up of your peers and your teachers and your family. People who take time out of their lives to come cheer you on because you are connected by your love for your school and community and all those in it. Play for them. Make them proud.
#3) It Will Hurt. Both physically and mentally, there will be painful days ahead. Your muscles will get sore and bruised and so will your ego. Good! This pain will be your greatest teacher that will prepare you for the days ahead. You will learn when to push through discomfort and when to rest when you’re in pain, and you won’t like either, but both are necessary. You will make mistakes and lose confidence, only to get back to work, where you will get better and build more confidence than what you started with. Let the pain and discomfort you feel make you stronger so you can handle all that life brings your way.
#4) Your Teammates Will Become Your Family. And here’s the thing about family, somedays you will love them, other days they will drive you crazy. Regardless of how you feel about them on any given day, you will need to find a way to work together for a common goal….and there may not be a greater life lesson than that one!! Resist the urge to splinter your team by joining in on trash talking behind teammates’ backs. Nothing will destroy a team faster. Lead by example in your effort, attitude, and attention. Make sure all your teammates know they matter.
#5) Respect Your Coaches. That doesn’t mean you’ll like them. Their job is to make you the best version of yourself and that will require pushing you out of your comfort zone and making you accountable for your choices. You will not always agree with them, but you will say, “Yes, Coach” because they have been at this much longer than you have and they deserve your respect. Good coaches will not be demeaning, but they will be demanding. Years from now you will talk highly about the ones that made you better than you knew you could be. But that will require some tough love. During the process you may not like them, but always respect them.
#6) You Are Your Choices. You are not just starting High School basketball, you are starting High School. With that comes many temptations and you will be faced with tough choices. Be careful with social media. When you post or text ask yourself, “Does this show me in my best light?” Another fast rule is, do not post or text something that you would not say to someone’s face, because eventually you may have to. And always give yourself 24 hours to cool off when you are upset. Lastly, being a student athlete carries a lot of responsibility. You will be expected to do more with less time. You will need to sacrifice some opportunities to stay focused on what’s important. Choose Wisely.
#7) School First.
#8) Dating Last. Just Kidding….kinda, lol.
#9) Make Basketball What You Do Not Who You Are. If you can conquer this, you will enjoy the journey so much more. You will be able to play so much more freely with the understanding that no matter what happens you will be ok. Your value as a person is not dependent on your performance on the court. You are loved by your family and true friends no matter how many points you score. You will be remembered for your character, not your stat sheet.
#10) We Love To Watch You Play. You are our heart out there on that court. When you hurt we will hurt too. When you are happy we will be jumping for joy (and probably screaming…..sorry, ha). We see you. We see how much you love this game. We see how hard you work. We see your sadness on the bench. We see your fulfillment when you make a shot. We see your frustration and your joy. We see it all. But most importantly, We see our child becoming a young adult who we are so proud of; and We love to watch you play!!!!
Go Get Em’! We love you!
Mom and Dad