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Play2Thrive was established in 2018 by Harmony Pyper, M.A./OTR, an Occupational Therapist, Basketball Coach and youth basketball board member with a mission to help athletes, coaches, and sports programs improve their mental skills so they can reach their highest potential while maintaining their quality of life.

Harmony grew up in Wisconsin where the main entertainment in High School was sports and the occasional cow tipping (yes, that is actually a thing, lol).  She played basketball, was on the track team, and was a competitive swimmer.  Once high school ended she headed to college at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she graduated with honors in Occupational Therapy.  GO BADGERS!!!

She moved to Southern California for an internship in Occupational Therapy where she discovered the winters were much warmer, but the traffic much busier.  After working as a pediatric occupational therapist for 4 years she was awarded a LEND grant (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities) which allowed her to complete her M.A. at USC while obtaining advanced training in the field of Occupational Therapy.  She worked as a Pediatric Occupational therapist for 16 years until she decided to take a break to concentrate on growing her family through adoption.

After a short stint of coaching basketball and swim team in college, she returned to coaching basketball 5 years ago. She continues to coach at the youth and high school levels today and also serves on the youth basketball board in her community where they service 1000 kids and families.

Harmony is also a Certified Meditation and Mindfulness instructor and is currently completing her Mindset Coaching license training as well as her Visualization Expert training with Positive Performance.

To work with Harmony as an individual or program please contact us via our contact page.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!!

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