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Growth Mindset Books for Kids

Growth mindset books for kids


Growth Mindset Books for Kids

Growth Mindset books for kids are a great way to teach them the principles of Growth Mindset.  Through stories they can learn how to handle mistakes, how to be proud of their effort above all else, and how to give and receive feedback from their peers during the learning process.  Below are a list of some of the top recommended Growth Mindset books for kids.

  1. I Can’t Do That, YET: Growth Mindset, by Ester P. Cordova-I love the power of the word “YET”!!  It gives hope to kids who are still working on achieving their goal.  This book is great for kids who are struggling with confidence.
  2. The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes, by Mark Pett- This book is great for the “perfectionist” who worries about making mistakes.
  3. Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch It, Shape It, by JoAnn Deak, Ph.D.- This is an entertaining way for kids to learn about their brain and how their experiences shape their brains.
  4. Mindset Matters (Without Limits), by Bryan Smith- This book is about a 2nd grade girl who gives up at the first sign of trouble.  She learns to take on a, “gonna get it done” mindset.
  5. Thanks for The Feedback, I Think (Best Me I Can Be), by Julia Cook- Throughout this story, RJ learns what it means to receive positive and negative feedback, and how to respond appropriately to that feedback.
  6. Beautiful Oops! by, Barney Saltzberg- One of my all time favorites!!  Similar to the painting experience I blog about HERE.  The book is about a life lesson that all parents want their children to learn: It’s OK to make a mistake. In fact, hooray for mistakes!
  7. The Most Magnificent Thing: by, Ashley Spires- This funny book offers a perfect example of the rewards of perseverance and creativity.

I hope this gets you started on building your Growth Minset for Kids library.  If there are any other books that you have found that would be great to add to this list please let us know in the comments below.

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